A revelation, new art, and "Art and Advocacy" is marching towards home plate!
>> Wednesday, October 28
First off, we've now added a handy-dandy retweet button to each of our blog posts. Perdy, huh? Go ahead, give it whirl. :)
Second, using traditional watercolors with the aforementioned landscape I'm working on was proving to be a nightmare...
Me, being not very happy with the landscape painting
In order to make the landscape a coherent whole it all had to be at least somewhat wet all the time or unwanted brush-stroke edges formed. But if I kept it wet, I could never do detailed work. And if I did the detailed work on top of the dried base, undoing anything compromised the integrity of the paper. What a nightmare!
So I sat at my work table and pouted, letting my eyes wander self-pityingly around the room until they settled on my rarely-used watercolor pencil set. Bingo!
My lovely Derwent watercolor pencils
Now I can have the beauty of watercolors with all the detail. Draw now, water later. Like a little garden. Perfect.
(I've yet to apply water, but look how much better it is already)
(I've yet to apply water, but look how much better it is already)
Reference photo
I also completed two new items in my tiny pond series as well as my first tiny Ugandan Sun, pictured here for your viewing pleasure. :)
White waterlily (actual size 1.5 in sq)
Blue waterlily (actual size 1.5 in sq)
the "Tiny Pond" series so far (actual size each: 1.5 in sq)
the first tiny Ugandan Sun (actual size 1.5 in sq)
I'm definitely not happy with the white lily painting--there are so many things wrong with it: the values are off, the lily pads don't look wet, and the water doesn't look smooth or quiet like a pond's surface. And though I'm happier with the blue lily the water is still wrong. Grr. Any suggestions on fixing them, folks? At least the Ugandan Sun turned out OK.
I guess I'm still doing a lot of learning, must keep telling myself that that's OK, too. At least I had pleasant company while I worked! :)
DC in her box. She loves that stupid box.
Caleb on his Nintendo DS
I also found this old painting of mine the other day:
Four daffodils
Four daffodils [close-up]
In other news, "Art and Advocacy" is rocking its way down the homestretch. Thirteen people have pledged $641--wow!! You are amazing, so thank you.

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For those of you who are on the edge about pledging, now is your opportunity! I understand that in this economy, money is tight, and you don't always have spare change to give, even to a good cause. But we are all still given 24hrs each day, no matter the economic health of our country. So please, whether or not you can give financially, consider donating a little of your time to tell a friend or co-worker about our project. I would be honored. :)
I know a few of you have had trouble pledging--please click here to check that your name is on the backers' list. If it is not, email me ASAP and I will run your through the steps. It's not hard, but depending on whether or not you have previous Facebook and Amazon accounts there can be a lot of steps, and I am happy to help you through them.
2 comments. Leave a comment.:
Totally in love with the tiny pond series! Your Ugandan Sun mosaic-style paintings are so unique and colorful--keep up the great work, Emily!
Thank you, Loren. :)
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