New art, feature, and "Art and Advocacy" at 92% with 14hrs to go (eek!)
>> Monday, November 2

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Wow, oh wow, folks, "Art and Advocacy" is nearly there! Only 14 hours to go. That means we need about $7.50/hr for a total of $105. I'm sure we can make it, but we need your help!
I know there's a few of you still on the fence out there. How about it? Seriously, look in your wallet--got four quarters and a dime? Can you spare it? It would help tremendously and I'd love you forever. Oh wait, I already do love you forever. :) But still, I would really appreciate it.
Screenshot of the feature
Also, this project and my artwork were recently featured on Handmade News, a wonderful craft blog for artists by artists. Check it out. :)
CLICK HERE for the rest of the post
Home stretch.. This is it, folks--if we are even a dollar short, it's over, and no money gets pledged. But if we are at or over $1250, well, I'll have some serious painting to do!
P.S. Some weekend paintings:
The latest in my tiny pond series: a Japanese maple leaf
a second tiny Ugandan Sun
The beginnings of my largest Ugandan Sun to date: 9"x12"
a close-up of the pencil-work
My favorite beer keeping me company while I worked. Yum. :)
a few hours later ...
what it looked like just before I headed off to bed
2 comments. Leave a comment.:
Hi Emily! I hope you make your goal--if I wasn't in a soup line myself....well, you get the picture! I know how expensive starting up an Etsy biz is, been doing it for a few months now! Color me in the hole! But fun stuff--can't wait to see your work for sale! By the way, love the maple leaf, reminds me...pancakes anyone?
Don't worry, Loren, money means a lot, but love and encouragement mean more, so thank you. :) I'm really excited for the money to clear and to begin buying my equipment. Love your new diamond hair clippies!
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